2020 has arrived! It’s the new year, a time for change…

However, the post-Christmas slump is kicking in, so chances are you’re feeling the January blues and let’s be honest, the weather is not that great. Some of you have made new year’s resolutions, some have not.  Not to worry if you have not… There is still time to make your new year’s resolution volunteering with GRASS Cliftonville!

There are many wonderful benefits of volunteering – and ways it can help achieve your new year’s resolutions. Did you know volunteering can lead to increased sociability, reduced loneliness and can get you out of the house?

It can also:

  • improve your mental and physical health
  • help you get fit
  • give you a sense of purpose
  • and increase feelings of self worth!!

And although it may be tempting to stay at home where it is warm and cosy (especially at this time of the year!), it is important to get out into the world, seize the day and work off those mince pies.

And the good news is that GRASS Cliftonville have many volunteering opportunities to choose from at our community events.

We are looking for volunteers for the following community events in 2020

Cliftonville in Bloom

Cliftonville Outdoor Cinema

Cliftonville Games

Cliftonville Classrooms

Cliftonville in Colour

GRASS Children’s Christmas party

To find something just for you that will raise your spirits and help you keep your new year’s resolutions, start now by visiting Get involved to learn more!